God loves the world. He prepares the salvation for all mankind.
God created the world with His voice and formed the mankind of dust. He deeply knows all our ways even when Eve and Adam sinned; His heart had understood all. Thus He sent His Only Beloved Son—Jesus Christ to be the Savior for all mankind.
O come, seek Him while He may be found; call upon Him while He is near, for “salvation belongs to the LORD.” The Lord is near you and is to save you.
A man’s life having defect and destruction brought by sin can be fully healed and restored in Christ. Just as Ps. 22:3 says, “Yet You are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel.” The praise of God’s people will bring out God’s power, releasing the power of healing.
When we praise God in holy garments, it contains exceedingly explosive power, conquering all. Therefore, in season and out of season, use praise as a weapon for battle and let praising God be the manner of our lives; let praising God drive out sorrow, depression, negativity and feeling down. Hallelujah!
When you pray, God first hears your prayer and works at people, matters and things that you pray for. As a God’s child in His kingdom, we just must do what we must do and entrust the rest of it to God.
No matter what happened in your past and how terrible and miserable it was, you now know “no longer live in the failure and regret of the past.” We all can learn from the past loss and failure for prospects.
Let’s hold fast God’s promise, get along with people and God in the everyday living, and be the blessing to others. Shake off all not of God and of being shaken so that the doubt of you heart will be fully removed.
We all shall be a gentle person and live a life in every field as a God’s child; thus, God will be glorified through you.
‘Gentleness’ is of God’s characteristic. No matter where you are, through God’s word, grow day by day till you no longer care others’ mocking words and mistreatment…, ‘gentleness’ will broaden your heart and help you gracious to others.
Being patient does not mean sucking it up; rather, it helps us apply ‘wisdom’ to bravely face all the problem.
But let patience have its full effect; blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love Him. (Jas. 1:4, 12)
God’s elect shall continually bear the fruit of the Spirit that each of us may all walk in God’s will.