其中「維持」的重點之一就是「成為戰士,不要只是守望」。」牧師提醒眾人,如果你明白自己的軟弱,就更應該起來爭戰、儆醒不向世界開門,遠離試探,你才不會總是被擊落。基督徒當明白,耶穌基督已經戰勝的敵軍,一直在欺騙 神百姓,所以當我們不夠堅定與主同行,你的回頭,就如同將過去所吐出的,再次吞食。
接著,張哈拿牧師分享「如何不再負面、焦慮」最首要的是,要把心和思想意念清理乾淨,將上帝的品格放在裡面,讓 神的話自由引導你(約8:32)且要「奉耶穌基督的名宣告,魔鬼的謊言在過去、現在、未來,都不成立! 神兒女理當恢復應有的屬靈權柄,斥責撒旦的謊言」阿們!
最後,張哈拿牧師期許弟兄姊妹,我們同為 神後嗣,不單擁有屬靈的「恩膏」而已,更要去活出來帶給人祝福,而非總是作為一個被幫助者,要長成,要成熟茁壯,成為屬靈的巨人。
神的髮白預表祂是聖潔、尊貴、榮耀與威嚴;祂的眼目如火焰,能看透人的肺腑心腸。耶穌的雙腳經歷過火的鍛鍊,因祂曾被釘十字架,且在艱難的環境裡,祂沒有犯罪,行為也沒有瑕疵。所以 神也期勉百姓們「要在試煉、艱苦中成為戰士;在曠野裡,不要抱怨行走。」
【祂是烈火也是報應的 神】(啟2:23)
張哈拿牧師提醒眾人: 神是公義的審判者,祂粉碎仇敵在腳下。所以當處在「不要看、不要做、不要說……」的當下,你選擇了順服,就是叫仇敵羞愧!
【罪等同背叛 神】
從「人與 神之間的關係,來檢視人與人之間的相處」,張哈拿牧師分享,經上說人與 神猶如夫妻一體的關係,但並非指「情慾」,乃是因上帝珍視且看待這關係是「聖潔、純淨」的,既與 神為一體,犯罪就是「背叛 神」,人將從對 神的不敬 ,逐漸變成對人的不義。遵守 神的話語是基督徒應盡的本份,如同在婚約裡,兩人對另一半忠誠乃是彼此的責任。
【神要恢復你 恢復聖潔的殿宇】
「性行為」是 神在婚姻裡創造的祝福,婚前的性行為,會帶來傷害、玷污自己的身子;甚至與原配以外的人發生關係,都必須徹底、認真的悔改,因人要先尊重 神, 你才會尊重人(林前7:3)。
牧師勸勉眾人,要好好在 神面前檢視自己的行為,並悔改;人的假悔改與後悔,唯有 神能鑒察,祂將按個人所行的報答/報應你。
最後,牧師也鼓勵弟兄姊妹,當試煉來臨時, 神應允與你同在(撒上17:45)。我們絕對能夠靠著 神,在每一次的爭戰當中得勝、突破! 神只叫你在試探中逃離,並非叫你在生活的考驗裡逃避。戰士會用口宣告「拒絕消極與沮喪」,也會轉身嗤笑仇敵無法欺騙到自己,並用對 神的信心將牠吞吃了!阿們!
God’s hairs symbolize that He is holy, honorable, and majestic; His eyes are like a flame of fire, seeing through man’s heart and mind. Jesus’ feet went through fiery refining because He was crucified. Also in difficult circumstances He didn’t sin and his deeds were blameless. Therefore God also expects His people to ‘become warriors in trials and difficulties and walk without complaints in the wilderness.’
‘He Is a Consuming Fire and a God of Recompence.’ (Rev. 2:23)
Pastor Hannah reminded people that God is a righteous judge and He crushes the enemy underfoot. Therefore while under a situation that you shall ‘not see, not do and not say…’ and you choose to obey; that is, you put the enemy to shame!
‘Sinning Is Equal to Betraying God’
‘Examining the relationship between people from the relationship between people and God,’ pastor Hannah shared, the Scriptures say the relationship between people and God is as a husband and a wife are one; however, it doesn’t mean ‘lust;’ it’s because God values this relationship and sees it ‘holy and pure;’ since it’s one with God, sinning is to ‘betray God. A man will gradually change from disrespecting God to unrighteousness to humans. Obeying God’s word is Christian’s duty just as in a marital covenant, it’s each other’s responsibility to be faithful to the other half.
‘God Is to Restore You the Holy Temple’
Pastor Hannah responded to the wrong values of the relationship in this generation through this message.
‘Sexual behavior’ is a blessing created by God within a marriage. Pre-marital sex will bring hurt and defile one’s body; even having sex with someone other than spouse, the one needs to thoroughly and earnestly repent, because man shall first respect God then will respect humans (1Cor. 7:3).
Pastor Hannah also reminded Christians in dating, ‘you’re the temple of the Holy Spirit,’ protect this temple well just as you’ve responsibility to protect yourself and the other. Always guard your thoughts and mind; this’s your responsibility to the one whom you fall in love.
‘Despise Not the Grace of Forgiveness’ (Heb. 4:12-13, Jer. 17:10)
The pastor exhorted people to examine earnestly before God one’s behaviors and repent; only God can search man’s false repentance and regret and will give recompense according to what each one does.
Last, the pastor also encouraged brothers and sisters when the trials came, God promised to be with you (1Sam. 17:45). We absolutely can break through and overcome through God in each battle! God asks you to only flee temptation(s) not tests in life. Warriors will declare with their mouths to ‘reject negativity and discouragement,’ and turn around to laugh at the enemy and not be deceived but devour him by faith in God. Amen!
【 神醫治能力強大 超越空間與形式】(太4:23~24;8:3、16)
首先,張哈拿牧師先以聖經中提及,有關耶穌在世醫治百姓的實際例子,鼓勵眾弟兄姊妹-「 神醫治的大能無須藉由任何特定的形式或接觸」才有功效。基督徒在生活中,可以運用主賜的信心,時時刻刻領受醫治。
張哈拿牧師也以耶利米哀歌鼓勵眾人-要持續認定 神,因每一天我們所擁有的氣息、生命,都是 神賜予的愛和憐憫。渴望醫治,要先認定 神的慈愛永遠顯在自己身上。人無法逃離主的恩膏,因此「認定祂」,就是不輕易讓 神同在只是從身旁經過。
神強大的恩膏運行在這三天的聖會當中,張哈拿牧師藉著 神的道揭發並破除了仇敵的種種計謀,感謝主厚恩,許多弟兄姊妹在其中都得著了主的恢復更新釋放與全備的醫治。你也身在其中並經歷了 神的權能,邀請你來信見證,[email protected]。
‘God’s Healing Power Is Mighty Transcending Time Space and Form’ (Matt. 4:23-24, 8:3,16)
First, pastor Hannah talked the actual example in the Bible that Jesus healed people while in earth, and she encouraged brothers and sisters, ‘God’s healing power doesn’t require any specific form or contact’ to be effective. Christians in the everyday living can apply faith granted by the Lord and always receive healing.
‘Everyday Acknowledge Him’(Lam. 3:22-25)
Pastor Hannah also encouraged people through Lam.—continually acknowledging God for each day breath and life we have are given by God’s love and mercy. To be healed is first to acknowledge God’s love forever upon ourselves. Man cannot run from the Lord’s anointing; therefore, ‘acknowledge Him;’ that is, not easily let God’s presence pass by.
‘In Jesus’ Name Forsake Every Hidden Demons and Evil Spirits’
Last, pastor particularly mentioned, suicidal thoughts, eating disorders, sexual promiscuity, diseases of the blood / blood vessels, distortion / atrophy / adhesion of the bones, cannot walking freely, gradual wear and tear to the tendon, bedridden, hereditary diseases, generational curses, demonic disturbance etc., and every deceitful scheme of the devil. Asking the attendees to introspect all sinful acts done by the past, the pastor guided the people to come before the Lord to declare and pray to ‘forsake all these sins.’
God’s mighty anointing worked among these three-nights conferences. Pastor Hannah through God’s word disclosed and broke the enemy’s all kinds of strategies. Thank the Lord’s abundant grace that during the conferences many brothers and sisters obtained the Lord’s restoration, renewal, deliverance, and a complete healing. If you also experienced God’s power, invite you to share your testimony with us: [email protected]
April Solemn Assembly—warriors watch and intercede for nations and societies together
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