張哈拿牧師透過今晚信息與眾人分享— 神將一切的好處都賜與敬畏祂的百姓,使他們能以施行權柄的禱告釋放人身心靈的各樣壓制。
要完全謙卑、降伏在 神的面前,並相信聖經裡所寫的每一句話。人若誠心順服於 神,就能得到從 神來的權柄,能夠制伏環境、制伏屬靈黑暗的權勢。
故此你們要順服 神,務要抵擋魔鬼,魔鬼就必離開你們逃跑了。(雅各書4:7)
神的話語在羅馬書6:1、15警惕我們「不要濫用 神的恩典」—人不能活在恩典當中,又同時過罪惡的生活。因上帝做事是黑白分明,猶如光明與黑暗的兩對立面。因此「人要知罪、認罪」且不可再犯。
以 神的慈悲和愛來饒恕曾傷害自己的人,如此才能堵住生命的破口。當撒旦從沒有破口的生命中離開,取代之的將會是 神的祝福。張哈拿牧師鼓勵與會者—要成長,饒恕待人,以 神的眼光看待任何事,不要用自己的方法去報復人。
你們卻要在我們主救主耶穌基督的恩典和知識上有長進。願榮耀歸給祂,從今直到永遠。阿們。( 彼得後書3:18)
人要先有決心,放棄一切 神所不喜悅的事,並斷開所有對自己造成負面影響力的事。在 神的話語裡堅定自己的信心,倚靠祂面對所有的爭戰。所以,牧師也鼓勵眾人—在面對任何令自己擔心、害怕的事上,永遠要相信「 神在其中掌權」!
Through tonight message pastor Hannah Chang shared with people that God gives all good to His people who fear Him that they might pray with authority and deliver people from various oppressions in their spirit, soul and body.
However, for a person to do such a glorious thing lies in obeying the following points:
Pastor Hannah Chang shared: The tasks of two witnesses in the Revelation of the Bible are to preach the word of repentance, and observe and speculate the season of the LORD, as well as when is the time to perform the task; therefore, now is not the time for them to appear; thus, she warned both the church not to be deceived and people that the time is short and the final judgment will surely come upon those who don’t believe.
Meanwhile, she also disclosed the works of Satan the devil; that is, he is to speed up his actions to kill, blind, attempt and capture all mankind. Only those who receive Jesus Christ and hold fast the word of the Lord to the end of the world are able to enter the eternal new heaven and earth (Isa. 26:3-4)!
Thank God that He released His word among us. Let’s continue to build up our faith and hope in God’s word, so that things that Christ did while He in the world went about healing the sick and casting out demons would also be manifested in you and me who love God!
基於有 神國的兒女總是一再地重覆犯罪,踐踏了 神的恩典,這等同用「愛慕世界的雙腳」將耶穌踐踏於地。故此,張哈拿牧師呼籲眾人當甦醒,因那在罪惡中重蹈覆轍,堅持不悔改的人,將會在不自覺的日子裡永遠滑落。
神選民的終極人生都將在 神榮耀白色的大寶座面前展開,在能斷定滅亡與得著永恆生命的耶穌基督身旁,有「聖靈」為我們做見證。
因此,牧師再次曉諭眾人~若想要在基督裡有新造、長成並茁壯,務要趁著年幼衰敗的日子尚未來到之時,竭力照著 神的道與真理法則紀念造你的主,成為真正從聖靈而生的屬 神的兒女。
聖靈與我們的心同證我們是 神的兒女。(羅馬書8:16)
你也身在其中並經歷了 神的權能,邀請你來信見證,[email protected]。
Based on the fact that the children of the kingdom of God always sin repeatedly, trampling on God’s grace, it’s equally with “feet that loves the world’ trampling Jesus underfoot. Therefore, pastor Hannah Chang called on everyone to wake up, for those who repeatedly commit sins and persist in not repenting will in the days of being unaware fall away forever.
The entire life of God’s elect will be exposed before God’s glorious great white throne and by the side of Jesus Christ who will judge who will perish and obtain eternal life, and “the Holy Spirit” will testify for us.
Therefore, the pastor once again told everyone that if the one wants to be a new creature in Christ and to grow and be strong, this person shall press on remembering your Creator in the days of your youth according to God’s word and the principles of the truth before the evil days come, and become a true child of God born in the Spirit.
The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God. Rom. 8:16
Thank the Lord that through this holy assembly He showed His great and wonderful works. May all brothers and sisters who walk in mountains and valleys, in the wilderness of trials and tests of faith be strong from weakness, and with a determination wholly to the Lord experience the life renewal and breakthrough.
God’s mighty anointing worked among these three nights, thank the Lord for His rich grace so that many brothers and sisters obtained the Lord’s restoration, renewal, deliverance and whole healing in its midst.
You were also in it and experiencing God’s power, invite you to write your testimony to us: [email protected]
Oct. Solemn Assembly—Warriors Watch and Pray for Country & Society
Online Registration: https://is.gd/jp5hWN