

全球基督徒禱告院是一個跨宗派,藉由全力推動禱告敬拜啟動全球性的屬靈復興並傳遞 神在末世行動的機構。按著 神的心意,團隊在海內外各地全面地服事、復興凡屬 神的兒女,追求及操練聖潔生命品格突破,好成為國家、家庭、教會和職場的祝福,為榮耀君王的再來預備道路。

Vision & Mission

Global Christian Prayer City is a cross-denominational institution, going full steam ahead with prayer and worship to activate a global spiritual revival, and conveying God’s end-time actions. According to God’s purpose, the team serves at home and abroad to revive all children of God, pursing and practicing a holy life and character breakthrough, that they might be a blessing to the nation, family, church and workplace, and pave the way for the return of the King of glory.