個人、教會即或國家社會其復興之首要,都在於【禱告】,本院<新耶路撒冷國際禱告殿>的代禱勇士們持守從 神而來這代禱的選召,並且日夜地擺上。請告知我們您們或國度各樣的代禱需要,藉著同心合意地仰望祈求,好領受從上頭來的能力、屬天的好處、滿得選民的福樂。
PRAYER is the first and foremost thing for the revival of an individual, church or nation and society. At GCPC, New Jerusalem International Prayer House, the intercessor warriors keep the calling from God to intercede day and night. Please tell us the prayer requests of your personal need(s) or of the kingdom. Through looking to God and making supplication with one accord that we may receive the power from above, spiritual well-being and the full pleasure of the elect.